Areas of Work

To contact any member of the committee or to find out more about the distinct areas of the committee's work, please contact the OGF Secretary, Kerriann Ramsammy, on 020 7202 2160 or email

The Ongoing Formation of Priests (OGF) Committee

There are currently 10 members whose responsibilities appear below.  For further details on the committee's present membership, click on the Committee and Staff page.

Director of Ongoing Formation
In-Service Training
New Priests
Priestly Group Support
Priestly Individual Support
Retired Priests
Retreats & Spiritual Support
Committee Secretary
Other Member (Archbishop’s Private Secretary)

The term of office for membership of the OGF Committee for the Director of Ongoing Formation, the Director of the Centre for Catholic Formation and the Episcopal Vicar for Retired Priests, is for as long as they hold such appointments by the Archbishop.  All other members of the OGF Committee have a 5 year term of office.

The Purpose of the OGF Committee

The Mission Statement for the Ongoing Formation of Priests Committee remains that formulated by the Ministry to Priests team in November 1989.

“Our purpose is to work with each other and with the Archbishop in the pastoral care of the presbyterate, to advance priestly brotherhood and the personal growth of ourselves and all our priests in the service and mission of the Church”.

It is recognised that Ongoing Formation is primarily the responsibility of the individual priest - and embraces his human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral needs.  The ways in which the OGF Committee assists priests are outlined below:   

The Director of Ongoing Formation

The Director oversees the work of the Committee in the light of Pastores Dabo Vobis and the Directory on the Ministry and Life of Priests, and encourages it to be both reactive and proactive in meeting the needs of the presbyterate. In his role at the Centre for Catholic Formation, the Director brings a broader view and an expertise to the Committee as a result of working with priests and laity throughout the Diocese in the area of adult formation.

In-Service Training

Those working in this area arrange courses throughout the year in various locations within the Diocese, attempting to address the human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral needs of the presbyterate.

New Priests

Those working in this area ensure that those newly ordained and/or newly arrived in the Diocese are aware of the support that is available to them, and encourage such priests to avail themselves of this provision.

Priestly Group Support

Those working in this area are available to support any groups already in existence, to facilitate the forming of new groups, and to provide information and assistance to any priest wishing to join a group, or move from one group to another.

Priestly Individual Support

Those working in this area are available to offer personal support as far as a priest’s spiritual, pastoral and human needs are concerned – or to point him in the right direction when required.

Retired Priests

The Episcopal Vicar for retired priests has pastoral responsibility for such priests, ensuring that they are cared for and supported in their senior years. He is supported in this work by two other members of the team.


The priest responsible for this area arranges the Diocesan retreats each year, as well as any other spiritual provision as may be required.


The part time secretary for the On Going Formation Committee is based at the Centre for Catholic Formation in Tooting Bec.